Moral :- Drosera has not only the sensitivity and reactivity common to remedies of the plant kingdom, but also the persecuted feeling, violence and aggression of animal remedies. Drosera is a carnivorous plant - a plant behaving almost like an animal. I think it is difficult to obtain this plant without an insect trapped inside it, and this may be a part of the remedy prepared.
prepared by :- karnav thakkar.
- The main feeling of Drosera is that of being persecuted, deceived, trapped, choked and killed. The reaction is to be aggressive, violent, trying to get out, which is often not possible. The expression of Drosera is that even a small irritation can get the patients into a tremendous outburst of rage and the inner feeling is of being harassed, cheated, deceived.
Clinical :-
- Amblyopia. - Asthma. - Bronchitis. - Catarrh. - Consumption. - Cough. - Coxalgia. - Epilepsy. - Haemorrhage. - Headache. - Laryngitis. - Measles. - Nausea. - Phthisis. - Sciatica. - Vomiting. - Whooping-cough.
comments by stalwarts :-
- The indications calling for it in the premonitory stage are: pallor, weakness, loss of appetite, dry cough, emaciation. Three indications are:
(1) Anemia and pallor of larynx.
(2) vocal cords not sufficiently approximated from functional impairment of cricoarytenoid muscles.
(3) redness and swelling of mucous membrane covering and between the arytenoid cartilages.
- Among the characteristics of Drosera are: Spasmodic and constricting pains in the abdomen, larynx, throat, chest, hypochondria. Crawling in larynx, feeling as if a soft substance were lodged in larynx, as a feather. Difficult swallowing of solids. Voice fails.
- Hemorrhages of bright red blood from nose, mouth (bloody saliva) with vomit with stool, expectoration.
- Dros. has many pains about the hip-joints and has cured sciatica with the following characters: "Pressing pains, worse from pressure from stooping from lying on painful part, better after rising from bed."
- Gnawing stinging pains in joints and long bones. Stitching pains in chest and all parts, lancinations in brain. Stitches from left loin into penis, itching stitches in glans.
- Eruption like measles, prickling burning itching, worse undressing, better by scratching, bleeding, burning ulcers, cutting pains. Epileptic attacks: with rigidity with twitching of limbs after attack, hemoptysis and sleep.
compare :-
- Bell., Coral., Cup., Hyo., Ip., Sambuc., Meph., Op., Coc. cact.
- In inability to expectorate, Caust., Sep., Arn., Kali c.
- Teste considers Meny. the closest analogue.
Remedy Relationship :-
Antidoted by - Camph. Complementary - Nux. Compatible - Calc c., Puls., Verat., Gnaph.Sources :-
- MORAL :- The soul of remedy by rajan sankaran.
- Diagram & its Contains :-
- Keynotes & characteristics with comparisons by H.C.allen
- materia medica of homoeopathic medicines by S.R.Phatak
- Clinical :- Dictionary of practical materia medica by J.H. Clarke
- Comments :- Homoeopathic remedy guide by R.MURPHY
- Compare, Remedy Relationship :- Dictionary of practical materia medica by J.H. Clarke
prepared by :- karnav thakkar.