Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Moral :- Cina is a remedy of the plant kingdom and that belongs to the psoric miasm. It is closely allied to Chamomilla. The main feeling of both these remedies is that they are not getting enough attention from their parents. Chamomilla reacts to this by loud shrieking and demanding, not quietened unless carried, whereas Cina reacts with irritability and temper-tantrums such as throwing things, capriciousness and pushing away her parents ("Touched, aversion to being", "Caressed, aversion to being", "Indifference to caresses", "Striking in children", etc.), as if to say: "Where were you when I needed you?" The need for attention in Cina is therefore seen as a refusal and rejection of the same, and as capriciousness which involves also demanding many things without knowing what.

Clinical :- 
 - Abdomen, distended.
 - Anaemia.
 - Anus, irritation of.
 - Asthenopia.
 - Asthma.
 - Bronchitis.
 - Borborygmi.
 - Chorea.
 - Colic.
 - Convulsions.
 - Cough.
 - Dentition.
 - Diarrhoea.
 - Enuresis.
 - Eyes, affections of.
 - Hydrocephaloid.
 - Intermittent fever.
 - Leucorrhoea.
 - Neuralgia.
 - Remittent fever.
 - Scarlatina.
 - Sight, affections of.
 - Spasms.
 - Strabismus.
 - Twitchings.
 - Urine, milky.
 - Whooping-cough.
 - Worms. 
compare :-
- In aversion to be touched, Ant. c., Ant. t., Hep. Sil., Thu.; gurgling along oesophagus when swallowing fluids, Helleb., Cupr.; difficult swallowing liquids, Bell., Caust., Hyo., Ign., Lach., lyc., Pho.; in cough agg. by reading or writing, Mang., Meph., Nux, Plat.; in white stools, Dig,; in ravenous hunger, Ars., Calc., Iod., Sil. Staph.; aversion to be caressed, Ars., Lach.; in squint, Alm.; in asthenopia and defective accommodation, Artem. v. (but Art. v. has dizziness from coloured light; and Cina has >> from rubbing).
 - Teste places Cina in the Arsen. group from its analogy in the digestive sphere.
 - Cham. has many points of contact with Cina and some opposite conditions. 
Remedy Relationship :-
Antidoted by  - Camph., Caps., Chi., Pip. nig.  
Antidote to  - Caps., Chi., Merc.  
Follows well  - Dros. and Ant. t. 
 Sources :-
  • MORAL :- The soul of remedy by rajan sankaran. 
  • Diagram & its Contains :- 
Keynotes & characteristics with comparisons by H.C.allen 
materia medica of homoeopathic medicines by S.R.Phatak
  • Clinical , Compare , Remedy Relationship :- Dictionary of practical materia medica by J.H. Clarke 

prepared by :- karnav thakkar. 

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