Moral :- Carcinosinum is prepared from cancerous breast tissue. It represents the very centre of the cancer miasm (which falls between the miasms sycosis and syphilis). The main feeling amongst remedies and persons of the cancer miasm is that one's survival depends upon performing tasks which one feels incapable of performing. There is a need to be something that is almost beyond one's capacity. The patients stretch themselves to the utmost in the hope of success, because to them failure means death and destruction. This miasm therefore has the sycotic fixity as well as the destructive dimension of syphilis.
Sources :-
prepared by :- karnav thakkar.
- Carcinosinum people often have a history of taking on too much at a young age, having too many expectations placed on them, too strict parental control. They try to live up to these expectations and make a tremendous effort to perform exceedingly well. They set for themselves high standards or goals that are near impossible to achieve and drive themselves to try and accomplish them. In that sense, they reach out for perfection, and almost finish themselves in doing so. The cancer miasm has this theme of superhuman effort in order to survive. The need for control over oneself and over one's surroundings is tremendous, as is the need to keep order in the midst of chaos. The disease cancer itself represents a breakdown of all control mechanisms within the body, with chaotic behaviour of the cells. The feeling of a cancer miasm person is like that of a physician who is trying to bring order and control over the disease cancer. He knows that it is a very difficult job with very little chance of success. Yet, he has to try with some hope of success. The cancer patient runs from pillar to post seeking relief, and when all fails, gives up with the absolute despair, characteristic of the syphilitic miasm. It is a continuous and prolonged struggle which seems to have no end.
- The need for perfection makes Carcinosinum people sensitive to reprimands, and fastidious in every sphere of life to the point of being faultless. But unlike mineral remedies, which merely want order in everything that they do, Carcinosinum patients often show an interest towards artistic things like music, dancing and painting. They are sensitive to and enjoy beautiful scenery, seashore, thunderstorms and lightning. They show the sensitivity of a plant as well in that, like Pulsatilla and Ignatia, they are sensitive to reprimands and are offended easily. They can also be sympathetic, very warm and humane, like Phosphorus, but they are all the time striving for perfection - to be the perfect partner, the perfect one for the job, the perfect parent, etc., so they are often ideal for others. Out of this need to be perfect arises an anticipatory anxiety. If they organize a party, it is not enough that the party should get going, rather that everything should be perfect. Neatness and cleanliness simply are not good enough for them, they must be perfect; the furniture should blend with the surroundings, everything should match, etc. They are well dressed people with good taste. Carcinosinum children are well-mannered and well-behaved. They can become neurotic about perfection, and sometimes this can be so extreme that they become suicidal. There is also a tendency to suppression, like in Ignatia. They accept their disappointments and also their domination with a kind of resignation, and tend to accumulate all the grief within, without expressing their sensitivity. They have a tremendous anxiety about health, and a great fear of disease, especially cancer.
- Carcinosinum patients show a variety of cravings, for example for eggs, fat, milk, but they especially crave for chocolate. They often lie on the abdomen during sleep, have a bluish tinge on their sclera, and also many moles on the skin. They are ameliorated at seashore, and by thunderstorm and lightning. A history of infectious diseases, e.g. tuberculosis, mumps, measles, chickenpox, malaria, typhoid, may be present and a history of cancer in the patient or in his immediate family could be an additional confirmation.
Clinical :-
- AIDS. Anticipation. Asthma. Attention deficit syndrome. Autism. Cancer. Cirrhosis. Diabetes. Emaciation. Fright. Grief. Hepatitis. Hernia. Hormonal imbalance. Hyperactivity. Immune deficiency. Insomnia. Mastitis. Melancholia. Moles. Mongolism. Mononucleosis. Nightmares. Night-watching. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Ovarian cysts. Pneumonia. Rheumatoid arthritis. Sinusitis. Spondylitis. Tuberculosis. Vaccination, effects. Worms.
comments by stalwarts :-
- Phatak states "A nosode prepared from Carcinoma is claimed to act favorably, modifying the cases in which there is a history of carcinoma or the disease itself exists. Can be used as an intercurrent remedy along with indicated."
- This is a good remedy for children, when you have many miasms in the case. A lot of stubborn asthma cases in children, worse from vaccinations respond to Carc. Worms. Cases where nothing is working and you come down and they have cancer in the family, then this is the remedy.
- If cancer is on one side or both sides of a family, there may exist a Cancer miasm. That does not mean that the child has a predisposition toward cancer. The children have blue sclera, a blue spot in the whites of their eyes or blue shading in the whites of their eyes. Sometimes that comes normally and goes away.
- Foubister studied 200 pregnant women who had cancer and then he studied their children. The children had a tendency to birthmarks. Carcinosin is another one that has deep pigmentations in children. Strawberry angioma. This remedy has been used to prevent keloids.
- Foubister made an observation that people who lived under severe fear for long periods of time often needed this remedy.
- Carcinosin is for sexual abuse and for abusive relationships. This leads to the suppression of emotions. Major symptoms include chronic insomnia and all kinds of phobias.
- Carcinosin is better or worse by the seashore. Down's syndrome. There may be a history in a child of severe acute infections, especially whooping cough and pneumonia and the child never totally recovered, their vitality never came back.
- This is a major remedy for glandular fever, mononucleosis and chronic fatigue. Carcinosin is better from naps, which is also a keynote of Phosphorus.
- This is a remedy that looks like many other polycrest remedies. It's better dancing like Sepia, it has craving of cold drinks like Phosphorus, it has moles, birthmarks and freckles like Thuja, it has the fastidiousness of Arsenicum, it also enjoys thunderstorms like Sepia. Carcinosin is a remedy that antidotes the ill effects of vaccinations.
compare :-
- The Tuberculins, Medorrhinum, Syphilinum, Sepia, Natrum muriaticum, Calcarea phosphorica, Dys. co., Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Psorinum, Arsenicum album, Arsenicum iodatum, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Opium, Alumina and Staphisagria.
- (a) There may be partial indications for two or more of these remedies without complete coverage by any single one, such as the desire for travel of Tuberculinum or Calcarea phosphorica;the fastidiousness of Arsenicum album; and the dislike of consolation of Natrum muriaticum or Sepia. Many combinations may be found.
- (b) One of these remedies may apparently be clearly indicated, e.g. Sepia and little effect is produced, or the effect may be short-lived. Sometimes a series of those remedies may have been given without really satisfactory results.
- APPETITE: There may be a craving for, or aversion to salt, milk, eggs, fat, fruit (N.B. -It can be added to the list of remedies having a craving for fat).
- ENVIRONMENT: A definite symptom which has emerged is “influenced by sea air”. The patient may be better or worse at the seaside, or may be better at the east Coast and worse at the South Coast and vice versa, as a Carcinosin indication.
- POSITION IN SLEEP IN CHILDREN: the knee-elbow position is covered by Medorrhinum, Carcinosinum, Calcarea phophorica, Phosporus, Sepia, Lycopodium and probably others. Normally this position is adopted in the first nine or twelve months of life, then it is less often found and is therefore of more value when found in older children.
- PERSONAL HISTORY: There is often tendency to insomnia even in childhood. Whooping cough born of mothers who while pregnant were suffering from cancer of the breast and subseqeuntly died from it. These children had a brownish, café au lait complexion, numerous moles and blue sclerotics. Both suffered from insomnia (the Carcinosins are useful remedies for insomnia, when indicated).
Remedy Relationship :-
- Related remedies are: Tuberculinum (all preparations), Medorrhinum, Syphilinum, Sepia, Natrum Mur., Calc. Phos., Dys. Co, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Psorinum, Arsenicum Alb., Arsenicum Iod., Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Opium, Alumina, Staphisagria.
- Foubister considers Carcinosin when one of the above remedies, although strongly indicated, does not work, or has only a limited action, or when a series of these remedies does not produce a satisfactory result. He also considers it useful where there are partial indications for two or more of these remedies, but where no single one covers the case.
Sources :-
- MORAL :- The soul of remedy by rajan sankaran.
- Diagram & its Contains :-
- Homoeopathic Remedy guide by R.MURPHY
- The carcinosin drug picture by FOUBISTER
- Clinical, Comments :- Homoeopathic remedy guide by R.MURPHY
- Compare :- The carcinosin drug picture by FOUBISTER
- Remedy Relationship :- Studies of homoeopathic remedies by D.M.GIBSON
prepared by :- karnav thakkar.
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