Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Lac Caninum

Moral :- This remedy has in it the nature of the dog; an animal that has been totally controlled and civilised so that it has to suppress its basic animal nature and can only express its controlled, civilised side, it is dependent on its master for food & so it is out to please him. its survival depends upon keeping its master happy by its performance, its affection etc. it has to perform or it won't be wanted anymore and its master will kick it out.

Clinical :- 
 - Arms, varicosis of.  - Breasts, painful.  - Chancre.  - Croup.  - Diphtheria.  - Dysmenorrhoea.  - Epulis.  - Eyes, affections of.  - Gonorrhoea.  - Headache.  - Ichthyosis.  - Leucorrhoea.  - Neuralgia.  - Ovaries, affections of.  - Ranula.  - Rheumatism.  - Sciatica.  - Spinal irritation.  - Stomach, affections of.  - Syphilis.  - Throat, sore.  - Ulcers.  - Uterus, affections of.  - Vaccinosis.  - Varicose veins.  - Warts. 
compare :-
 - Lachesis is the nearest analogue (throat, ovaries, symptoms changing from side to side -     Lach. left to right; agg. after sleep; fainting on raising arms); Lac. vac. deflor. (dreams of going on a journey).  
- Lac. vac. coag., Lact. ac.  
 - [The following were mostly supplied by Lippe to Swan's arrangement.]  
 - Weak memory for what she has read, not for other things (Lach., Nat. m., Staph.).  
- Absent-minded (Anac., Caust., Con., Dulc., Lach., Nat. m., Sep.).  
- Crying, fearing she was contracting consumption (Calc., Guar., Sep.). 
 - Exalted feeling in sensorium (Plat.).  
 - Headache agg. in cold wind, >> in warm room (Aur., Nux v., Rhus). 
 - Headache agg. by noise >> by keeping quiet; confused feeling in head (Calc.).  
 - Must have light, but intolerant of sunlight (Aco., Bell., Calc., Gels., Ruta, Stram). 
 - Soreness and scabbing of nostrils (K. bi., Thu.).  
- Lips dry and peeling (Nat. m.).  
 - Throat sensitive to touch externally (Lach.); agg. by empty swallowing (Ign.).  
 - Breasts sensitive to pressure (Calc., Murex); to deep pressure (Merc.); as it full of every hard lumps, very painful when going up and down stairs (Bell., Calc., Carb. an., Lyc., Nit. ac., Phos.); soreness and enlargement (Bell., Bry., Calc.). 
 - Small, round, or irregular grey white ulcers on tonsils and fauces (Merc. i.).  
 - Discharges of diphtheritic matter from vulva and rectum (Apis).  
- Empty, weak feeling in stomach-pit (Dig., Ign., Pet., Sep.); pain as from a stone or undigested food in stomach-pit (K. bi.).  
 - Pain in right ovarian region (Ap., Lyc., Pallad.). 
 - Sensation as if breath would leave her when lying down, must get up and move about (Grind.).  
 - Sciatica (Cur., Graph., Gnap., K. bi., Ir. v., Lach., Phyt., Tell.).  
- When walking seems to be walking on air; when lying does not seem to touch the bed (Asar., Chi., Coff., Nat. m., Nux, Op., Rhs., Spi., Stram., Thuj., Stict. pul., Phos. ac.).  
 - Dreams of going on a journey (Lach. v. deflor., Laches., Sang., Sil.).  
- Spreads fingers apart (Secale - in spasm).  
 - Retina retains impressions of objects (Tuberc. Nicotin.  
 - Lyc., ear retains impression of sounds).  
 - Red spot before vision (Dubois. Hyo.).  
 - Flatus from vagina (Bro., Lyc., Nux m., Nux v., Sang.).  
- agg. Going down stairs (Borax).  
 - Diphtheria (Diphtherinum, Merc. cy., Gels.).  
 - [Hydrophobinum is a dog-engendered nosode and must be compared with Lac. can; Lach. is one of its antidotes.]  
 - Cannot bear one finger to touch the other (Lach. f. cannot bear one foot to touch the other). 

Remedy Relationship :-
Compare: Anac, Bov, Caust, Con, Dulc, Graph, Hep, Lac-ac, Lac-f, Lach, Lac-v, Lac-v-c, Lac-v-f, Lyc, Nat-c, Nat-m, Nux-v, Sep, Staph 
Similar: Acon, Amb, Am-c, Am-m, Anac, Apis, Arum-t, Asar, Aur, Bell, Bov, Bry, Calc, Calc-acet, Carbo-an, Caust, Cinch, Coff, Con, Cur, Dig, Dulc, Eup-per, Gels, Gnaph, Graph, Grin, Hep, Ign, Iod, Iris, Kali-bi, Kali-c, Lac-d, Lach, Lyc, Merc, Merc-i, Murx, Nat-c, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Nux-v, Op, Pall, Paull, Petr, Phos, Phyt, Plat, Psor, Rhus-t, Ruta, Sang, Sep, Sil, Spig, Staph, Stram, Sulph, Tell, Thuj, Zinc
Sources :-
  • MORAL :- The soul of remedy by rajan sankaran. 
  • Diagram & its Contains :- 
- Keynotes & characteristics with comparisons by H.C.allen 
- materia medica of homoeopathic medicines by S.R.Phatak
  • Clinical , Compare :- Dictionary of practical materia medica by J.H. Clarke 
  •  Remedy Relationship :- Keynotes & characteristics with comparisons by H.C.allen

prepared by :- karnav thakkar. 

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